10 Kalmar terminal tractors and 10 Seacom semi-trailers were reallocated from the Global Ports' northwest terminals to enhance production capacity at VSC in view of the container market growth in the Far East Sea basin. The equipment operates in container handling at berths, warehouses, and rail yards.
The cargo was delivered to VSC in two railway shipments. A feature of this transportation is RUSCON's special scheme for the safe transportation of oversized cargo on the platforms.
Sergey Berezkin, President of RUSCON, mentioned that the company has very high requirements for such cargo delivery. “Each oversized cargo transshipment for the benefits of our Group partners is unique to us. Our specialists calculated the route and optimized the fixing scheme. For us it was very important to deliver the equipment to Nakhodka as quick as possible and to start using it immediately”.
About the Company
Ruscon is a part of Delo Group, 3PL operator for containerized cargo delivery in Russia and the CIS based on Delo Group’s assets. Ruscon expands its ability to provide end-to-end cargo delivery services by a range of its own transportation assets: marine terminals, fleet of trucks, flatcars, inland terminals, customs and logistics storage facilities as well as developed network of branch offices.
Delo Group is Russian transportation and logistics holding, operating its own fleet and managing sea container terminals in the Azov-Black Sea, Baltic and Far Eastern basins, a network of railway container terminals, a fleet of containers and fitting platforms. The parent company of the Group is Delo Management Company.
The Group's stevedoring business includes DeloPorts holding and Global Ports, a leading container terminal operator. The transport and logistics business of the Group is made up of the multimodal transport operator RUSCON and the intermodal container operator TransContainer. The shipping business is represented by the Sakhalin Shipping Company (SASCO), is one of the biggest Russian shipping companies.
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